[racket] Scriblogify Error -- I'm baaack!

From: Matthew Flatt (mflatt at cs.utah.edu)
Date: Sat Oct 27 23:15:35 EDT 2012

You're running into sandbox filesystem-protection rules.

When you include a path in #:requires for `make-evaluator', then read
access is granted for that file in the sandbox, so that's why the extra
#:require path changes the document's behavior.

Outside of DrRacket... well, I'm not excatly sure. Something in
DrRacket's configuration of various path and module parameters enables
access to the directory containing "my-scribble-doc.scrbl", while the
configuration of raw `racket', `scribble', or `raco scribblogify'
doesn't allow access to the directory.

Assuming that you trust the code that you run in documentation --- at
least as much as you trust the document itself --- the best approach is
probably to use `call-with-trusted-sandbox-configuration':

  #:eval (call-with-trusted-sandbox-configuration
          (lambda ()
             (sandbox-output 'string)
             (sandbox-error-output 'string)
             #:requires '("../Private/my-racket-mod.rkt"))))
   (f 1 2))

I didn't actually try that with `raco scribblogify', but I got the
errors that you report when using `raco scribble', and using
`call-with-trusted-sandbox-configuration' solves the problem with `raco

At Fri, 26 Oct 2012 22:38:25 -0400, Patrick King wrote:
> When last I wrote on my problems with Scriblogify, I attributed them to
> Windows 7 security... I was way too optimistic, and way too ashamed to
> bother the community again. I have found a couple smoking guns since then,
> and found that they, too, had nothing to do with my problem. The following
> is repeatable in Racket 5.3 and Windows 7:
> The following are all part of a project "ScriblogifyBug", which contains
> folders "Private", where I hide implementation details, and "Blog", where I
> boast about my implementation. Like a good little programmer, I use
> rackunit to create custom tests relevant to my code, and use submodules to
> implement tests. Like an enthusiastic Racketeer, I blog via
> Scribble and Scriblogify.
> #lang racket/base
> ;; begin Private/my-test-mod.rkt
> (require rackunit)
> (provide (all-defined-out)
>          (all-from-out rackunit))
> (define-simple-check
>   (check-my-func f)
>   (procedure? f))
> ;; end Private/my-test-mod.rkt
> #lang racket/base
> ;; begin Private/my-racket-mod.rkt
> (provide f)
> (module+ test
>   (require "my-test-mod.rkt"))
> (define (f x y)
>   (+ x y))
> (module+ test
>   (printf "Tests running.~n")
>   (check-eq? 1 1)
>   (check-my-func f))
> ;; end Private/my-racket-mod.rkt
> #lang scribble/manual
> @; begin Blog/my-scribble-doc.scrbl
> @(require racket/sandbox scribble/eval)
> @title{Trapping the Scriblogify Bug}
> @author{Pat}
> I expect this file to render fine via the @italic{Scribble HTML} button
> within DrRacket,
> and it does. However, I am curious why I must explicitly require
> "my-test-mod.rkt", which
> is only called from within the test submodule of "my-racket-mod.rkt".
> Let's demonstate my nifty new function, @racket[f].
> @(interaction #:eval(make-evaluator 'racket/base
>                                     (sandbox-output 'string)
>                                     (sandbox-error-output 'string)
>                                     #:requires
> '("../Private/my-racket-mod.rkt"
>  "../Private/my-test-mod.rkt"))
>               ;                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>               ;                               Why must I explicitly require
> this?
>               (f 1 2))
> I also expect this file to fail to render via @italic{raco scriblogify
> "my-scribble-doc.scrbl"},
> and it does, yielding the error
> @italic{"current-directory: `exists' access denied for
> ~\ScriblogifyBug\Blog\"}. With different
> tweaks, I've gotten
> similar 'exists' errors for the files in ../Private, involving
> current-directory or similar
> functions described in @bold{14.2 Filesystem} in the documentation, so I
> suspect a Windows
> specific path quirk. For instance, if I put all three files in the same
> directory (modifying
> the @racket{require}s in "my-scribble-doc.scrbl" accordingly), I get the
> error
> @italic{"file-exists?: `exists' access denied for C:\Program
> Files\Racket\.\racket.exe"}. I
> am not sure how to interpret "\.\", and C:\Program Files\Racket certainly
> exists on my system,
> as does C:\Program Files\Racket\Racket.exe (so there's the path issue and
> the case issue).
> @; end Blog/my-scribble-doc.scrbl
> So, in summary, two issues:
> a) Scribble needs help finding and interpreting files found within
> submodules that I would expect to be both findable and irrelevant. When
> explicitly told every potentially relevant file, it can figure out that it
> can ignore it, when rendered within DrRacket.
> 2) Scriblogify doesn't find the help sufficient, when run from the command
> line.
> c) One common clue, various path related errors that might be Windows
> Weirdness.
> Ok, me sticking with Windows is an issue, one that I hope to rectify in the
> next six months as certain work-related constraints are relaxed.
> All thoughts appreciated.
> Pat
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