[racket] Recent GIT HEAD Breakage On Linux
Recently (1-2 weeks?) GIT HEAD stopped working for me with the following
error. This happens in DrRacket when I attempt to use the REPL (hit the
Run button, get the prompt, enter anything <rtn>, and BORK!! as below).
Everything else in DrRacket is flawless, editing, TypedRacket performance,
check syntax etc.
This is on a Linux, Fedora 16 64 bit. Racket is built fresh after a git
clean -fdx.
[ray at ray pgm]$ racket/gui/base is not available
=== context ===
/usr/local/racket/collects/racket/sandbox.rkt:94:0: sandbox-make-namespace
/usr/local/racket/collects/racket/sandbox.rkt:672:0: make-evaluator*
get-language-info method in .../module-language.rkt:88:4
/usr/local/racket/collects/drracket/private/rep.rkt:924:6: submit-to-port?
method in ...cket/private/rep.rkt:389:4
/usr/local/racket/collects/framework/private/text.rkt:2166:4: on-local-char
method in ...ork/private/text.rkt:2002:2
on-char method in editor-canvas%
dispatch-on-char method in window%
channel-put: expected argument of type <channel>; given: #f
=== context ===
/usr/local/racket/collects/racket/private/misc.rkt:168:2: channel-put
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