[racket] (offlist) Re: why is the comparimng always false

From: Roelof Wobben (r.wobben at home.nl)
Date: Sat Jun 30 11:16:07 EDT 2012

Op 30-6-2012 16:23, Hendrik Boom schreef:
> On Sat, Jun 30, 2012 at 10:19:32AM +0200, Roelof Wobben wrote:
>> I think I found the solution.
>> I still have to design the render function.
>> I have this :
>> ; niet grafische constanten.
>> (define lengte-werkblad 200)
>> (define breedte-werkblad 1000)
>> (define move-animal 3)
>> (define move-gauge 0.1)
>> ; grafische constanten
>> (define kat  .)
>> (define cham .)
>> (define workspace (empty-scene breedte-werkblad lengte-werkblad))
>> (define gauge-omtrek (rectangle 1000 20 "outline" "black"))
>> ; berekende constanten
>> (define correctie-cat ( / (image-width kat)2))
>> (define ondergrens-cat ( - 0  correctie-cat))
>> (define bovengrens-cat ( + breedte-werkblad correctie-cat))
>> (define correctie-cham ( / (image-width cham)2))
>> (define ondergrens-cham ( - 0  correctie-cham))
>> (define bovengrens-cham ( + breedte-werkblad correctie-cham))
>> ; Te gebruiken structs
>> ; Design a world program that works with both cats and chameleons:
>> ; A VAnimal is either
>> ; -- a VCat
>> ; -- a VCham
> Love the mix or languages.  When I worked at the Mathematisch Centrum
> back in the seveenties, people there appreciated distinguishing the
> language's built-in words, which were in English, from their
> program's words, which were in Dutch.
> Maybe there should be a third language, for comments?
> -- hendrik

No, the problem is that my English is not so good so I use for messages 
Maybe I can do the same for function names.


Posted on the users mailing list.