[racket] Racket development: Running/compiling from source rather than from a pre-built collection

From: Patrick Mahoney (paddy.mahoney at gmail.com)
Date: Tue Jul 24 21:12:01 EDT 2012

Hello again,

I was able to resolve my problem. First I renamed the frtime collection in
the install path. This resulted in racket complaining that the collection
couldn't be found. Next, I linked to the collection within the frtime
source directory.

raco link path/to/github/repo/directory

Following linking to this location, the language declaration resolved to
the frtime language within my github tree.

Thanks all,

On 24 July 2012 18:52, Patrick Mahoney <paddy.mahoney at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello All,
> I forked the github Racket repo, and created a new branch in order to
> update Frtime from the scheme or mzscheme #langs to Racket. This has been
> progressing well, until I ran into a small issue that I think likely
> affects most individuals working on Racket source for which collections
> exist in the collection paths.
> (module animation frtime
> ...
> -Despite making changes to the frtime language, excising the scheme and
> mzscheme languages within the source that was checked out, it became
> apparent that this declaration and others referring to collections were
> relying on the imports defined from the mzscheme lang. After running Check
> Syntax, right-clicking on the lang declaration, and opening the files all
> the way down to a file where changes had been made (say lang-utils.rkt),
> the unedited source was visible. This source showing (sans my edits) was
> that found within the C:/Program Files/Racket/collects/frtime directory,
> rather than my github racket source directory.
> How does one go about unregistering a collection such that all references
> to that collection subsequently look not into the collections directory,
> but compile and run the files from within your checked out source? I guess
> this question could likely could be generalized to, "How do Racket
> developers make edits to source files backing collections and run them
> without references to collections referring to the pre-compiled
> collections, or those in the Racket installation?". I am interested in how
> to resolve this problem, and I apologize that I don't yet know the language
> well enough to formulate the problem in the correct terms.
> Can anyone provide some guidance here?
> For anyone interested in the branch itself, find it at:
> https://github.com/paddymahoney/racket/commits/frtime-update
> Thank you all!
> -Patrick
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