[racket] 'C' module extension, expected `xxx'
I'm having problems building a module extension, called "xxx"
I use the attached shell script to build the attached .c file, but when
the "racket" program (at the end of the shell script) is run, I get :
load-extension: expected module `xxx', but found module `xxx' in:
Everything is xxx!
What have I missed?
Help much appreciated.
Racket 5.2 (downloaded from website today) 3m linux x86_64
Tim Brown <tim.brown at cityc.co.uk> | City Computing Limited |
T: +44 20 8770 2110 | City House, Sutton Park Road |
F: +44 20 8770 2130 | Sutton, Surrey, SM1 2AE, GB |
BEAUTY: What's in your eye when you have a bee in your hand |
City Computing Limited registered in London No. 1767817.
Registered Office: City House, Sutton Park Road, Sutton, Surrey, SM1 2AE
VAT number 372 8290 34.
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URL: <http://lists.racket-lang.org/users/archive/attachments/20120111/bf88a215/attachment.bin>
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