[racket] static variables question

From: Joe Gilray (jgilray at gmail.com)
Date: Sun Feb 19 04:05:54 EST 2012

Here's a slight reworking of the factor function.  I think it is prettier
and my in the spirit of Racket/Scheme.

; function to create a list of prime factors of a number
; invoke as (factor n)
(define (factor n)
  (let loop-factors ([facts '()] [x n] [start 2] [end 1000]
[candidate-primes (primes-from-to 2 1000)])
    (if (and (eq? candidate-primes empty) (>= end (integer-sqrt x)))
        (if (= 1 x) facts (append facts (list x)))
          (if (eq? candidate-primes empty)
                ; attempt to pull in more primes in an efficient manner
                (set! start end)
                (set! end (* 2 end))
                (if (or (> end (integer-sqrt x)) (> (* 1.25 end)
(integer-sqrt x))) (set! end (integer-sqrt x)) #f)
                (set! candidate-primes (primes-from-to start end))
                (loop-factors facts x start end candidate-primes))
              (let ([candidate (first candidate-primes)])
                (if (= 0 (remainder x candidate))
                      (set! facts (append facts (list candidate)))
                      (loop-factors facts (quotient x candidate) start end
                    (loop-factors facts x start end (rest

On Sat, Feb 18, 2012 at 6:41 PM, Joe Gilray <jgilray at gmail.com> wrote:

> Stephen, Gary, et al,
> Thanks for the suggestions.  Below is the code I've been playing with
> today.  I'd love any and all suggestions.  I've been coding in Racket for
> about a week so I'm sure there is a lot a grist for the mill below!
> -Joe
> ; function that returns a list of all integers between the two arguments
> inclusive
> (define  (interval-list m n)
>   (if (> m n)
>       '()
>       (cons m (interval-list (+ 1 m) n))))
> ; sieve of erostosthenes
> (define (sieve lst)
>   (define (remove-multiples n lst)
>     (if (null? lst) '()
>         (if  (= (modulo (car lst) n) 0)
>              (remove-multiples n (cdr lst))
>              (cons (car lst)
>                    (remove-multiples n (cdr lst))))))
>   (if (null? lst) '() (cons (car lst) (sieve (remove-multiples (car lst)
> (cdr lst))))))
> ; wrapper function for sieve, saves a list of primes for future calls
> (define primes-from-to
>   (let ([lastend 0] [storedlst '()])
>     (lambda (start end)
>       (cond [(<= lastend start) (set! storedlst (sieve (append storedlst
> (interval-list start end))))]
>             [(< lastend end) (primes-from-to lastend end)])
>       ; storedlst now has all the primes needed
>       (if (< lastend end) (set! lastend end) #f)
>       (filter (lambda (v) (and (<= start v) (<= v end))) storedlst))))
> ; function to create a list of prime factors of a number
> ; invoke as (factor n)
> (define (factor n)
>   (let loop-factors ([facts '()] [x n] [start 2] [end 1000]
> [candidate-primes (primes-from-to 2 1000)])
>     (if (and (eq? candidate-primes empty) (>= end (integer-sqrt x)))
>         (if (= 1 x) facts (append facts (list x)))
>         (begin
>           (if (eq? candidate-primes empty)
>               (begin
>                 ; attempt to pull in more primes in an efficient manner
>                 (set! start end)
>                 (set! end (* 2 end))
>                 (if (or (> end (integer-sqrt x)) (> (* 1.25 end)
> (integer-sqrt x))) (set! end (integer-sqrt x)) #f)
>                 (set! candidate-primes (primes-from-to start end))) #f)
>           (if (eq? candidate-primes empty)
>               (if (= 1 x) facts (append facts (list x)))
>               (let ([candidate (first candidate-primes)])
>                 (if (= 0 (remainder x candidate))
>                     (begin
>                       (set! facts (append facts (list candidate)))
>                       (loop-factors facts (quotient x candidate) start end
> candidate-primes))
>                     (loop-factors facts x start end (rest
> candidate-primes)))))))))
> On Sat, Feb 18, 2012 at 6:02 PM, Stephen Bloch <bloch at adelphi.edu> wrote:
>> On Feb 18, 2012, at 2:42 PM, Gary Baumgartner wrote:
>> >>       (filter (lambda (v) (if (and (>= v start) (<= v end)) #t #f))
>> >>   storedlst)
>> >>       )))
>> > [...]
>> >
>> > Consider just (lambda (v) (and (>= v start) (<= v end))) --- no 'if'.
>> I see a lot of my students doing this -- in whatever language -- because
>> they think of Booleans as a way to decide which of two things to DO, rather
>> than as legitimate values in their own right.  In fact, the whole world of
>> expressions is a bit of a foreign country -- a sort of "adjunct" to the
>> more-legitimate world of statements.
>> if (blah == true) {
>>   return true;
>>   }
>> else {
>>  return false;
>>  }
>> For those of us forced to teach in Java, CheckStyle has two modules,
>> SimplifyBooleanExpression and SimplifyBooleanReturn, that catch things like
>> this.
>> Stephen Bloch
>> sbloch at adelphi.edu
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