[racket] Whalesong 1.15 released
Hi everyone,
Whalesong 1.15 is mostly a bug-fix release. At the very least,
Whalesong 1.15 should match Racket's behavior on the following silly
#lang planet dyoo/whalesong
(define (puzzle n)
(if (= n 0)
(continuation-mark-set->list (current-continuation-marks) 'secret)
(with-continuation-mark 'secret
(* n (first (continuation-mark-set->list
(current-continuation-marks) 'secret)))
(puzzle (sub1 n)))))
(with-continuation-mark 'secret 1
(puzzle 10))
* Corrected list? to be amortized constant time.
* Bug fix: issue 79; fix to view-bind-many
(https://github.com/dyoo/whalesong/issues/79) Thanks to Jens Axel
* Bug fix: issue 80; documentation fix
* Bug fix: issue 81; correction to with-cont-mark bug
* Optimized to reduce some superfluous object allocations.