[racket] Porter stemming algorithm
Hello -
Many thanks for your interest. I have used the version just uploaded to
and it works. For a Racket ignoramus like me this is a buzz! Many thanks
to all.
_John Sampson_
On 08/02/2012 18:22, Phil Bewig wrote:
> If you're looking at the suggested solution, the easiest way to get
> the code is to follow the links to the codepad page and copy the code
> from there.
> If you're looking at the program in the comments, you may want to view
> source and scroll down to the program. You'll have to delete the html
> tags and do a search-and-replace on every ampersand-coded html
> character that you find, but if you search-and-replace globally on
> each sch character, there aren't that many.
> Let me know how you get on.
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