[racket] deceptive perfomance for typed racket in integer division

From: Veer Singh (veer.chah at gmail.com)
Date: Tue Dec 11 10:57:50 EST 2012

I am getting 6.8 ms without modifying the code.
When I change modulo to remainder I get 6.3 ms consistently.


On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 8:33 PM, daniel rupis
<danielrupistralizavez at yahoo.es> wrote:
>  I was comparing some code in Qi with that of sbcl, I posted a question in
> comp.lang.lisp asking for a way to improve the perfomance, WJ gave a typed
> racket version that was slower than sbcl and also much slower than cpp.
>  Daniel Rupis wrote:
>  Note: The code compute the number of primes below 30000 by a very
>  brute force attack. (I know there are far better algorithms for this
>  task :))
>  (defun divisibleRec(I J)
>    (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (compilation-speed 0))
>         (type (integer 0 300000) I J))
>    (when  (= J 1) (return-from divisibleRec nil))
>    (if (zerop (rem  I J)) t  (divisibleRec I (1- J))))
> Typed Racket:
> #lang typed/racket
> (define: (divisible-rec (i : Integer) (j : Integer)) : Boolean
>   (cond ((= j 1) #f)
>         ((zero? (modulo i j)) #t)
>         (else (divisible-rec i (sub1 j)))))
>  (defun divisible(N)
>    (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (compilation-speed 0))
>         (type (integer 0 300000) N))
>   (divisibleRec N  (1- N)))
> (define: (divisible (n : Integer)) : Boolean
>   (divisible-rec n (sub1 n)))
>  (defun totalprimes(k)
>   (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (compilation-speed 0)))
>    (loop for n of-type (integer 0 300000)  from 2 to k count (not
>  (divisible n)))
> (define: (total-primes (k : Integer)) : Integer
>   (for/sum ([n (in-range 2 (add1 k))])
>     (if (divisible n) 0 1)))
> (displayln (total-primes 30999))
> 3340
> Thanks to all that responded.
> Results:
> Original code            5.280 seconds of real time
> Benjamin Kreuter code:   6.582 seconds of real time
>  WJ code (typep racket) 10.544 seconds
>  Conclusion:
> 1.- Typep racket is deceptively slow, I was expecting something better here
> (racket people are  developing a math library with typep racket)
> 2.- Benjamin code is not a solution, it gives worse performance.
> 3.- Paul Khuong tell us that this problem will be here to stay for ever.
>  What's the better way to include machine code like the one generate by C++ in
> Lisp. That is inline the code for example only for functions from integer to
> integers.
>  Thanks again.
>  I should say that I like racket, but I find macros in racket rather difficult.
> I can use macros in common-lisp but I still can't use racket macros. (I am
> trying to say that perhaps macros in racket are something difficult to grasp).
> Original Qi code and C++ code (30000 -> 30999)
> ------- Qi Code ----------------------------------------
> (define divisibleRec
>   {number --> number --> boolean}
>   I J -> (if (= J 1) false (if (= (fmod I J) 0) true (divisibleRec I (- J 1)))))
> (define divisible
>   {number --> boolean}
>   I -> (divisibleRec I (- I 1)))
> (define totalPrimesAcc
>     {number --> number --> number}
>     1 Acc -> Acc
>     I Acc -> (if (= (divisible I) false) (totalPrimesAcc (- I 1) (+ 1 Acc))
> (totalPrimesAcc (- I 1) Acc)))
> (define totalPrimes
>     {number --> number}
>     I -> (totalPrimesAcc I 0))
> (totalPrimes 30000)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> #include <stdio.h>
> bool divisibleRec(int i, int j){
>   if(j==1){ return false; }
>   else if(i%j==0){ return true; }
>   else{ return divisibleRec(i,j-1); }
> }
> bool divisible(int i){ return divisibleRec(i, i-1); }
> int main(void){
>   int i, count =0;
>   for(i=2; i<30000; ++i){
>     if(divisible(i)==false){
>       count = count+1;
>     }
>   }
>   printf("number of primes = %d\n",count);
>   return 0;
> }
> ----------------------------------------------------------
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