[racket] We need volunteers to test WeScheme!
Hey, that's slick. I like how it links all of the parts of
(map cons 1 2 3 4)
map: expects a list as 2nd argument, but given: 1; other arguments were: #<function:cons> 2 3 4
[I'm unsure if the colored formatting will show up on the list]
rac [Lion Safari]
On Aug 8, 2012, at 1:29 PM, Danny Yoo wrote:
> We have revamped the error reporting infrastructure in WeScheme. In
> particular, we've [1] implemented the color-coding proposal proposed
> by Guillaume Marceau et al [2]. We are looking for volunteers to hit
> our test site and let us know if they see strange output from the
> colored error highlighting.
> Please visit:
> http://dyoo-test.appspot.com
> and try snippets of code that should produce errors.
> For a few examples:
> (cond)
> ;;;
> (define (f x) (* x x))
> (f)
> (f 3 4 5)
> ;;;
> (/ 1 2 3 (- 1 1))
> You should see colored highlighting for each one of these cases. More
> generally:
> * The referents in syntax errors should color highlight where
> appropriate. Clicking on the colored links should focus their
> location in the definitions window.
> * Certain runtime errors, such as procedure arity mismatch, should
> highlight the affected arguments at runtime. Others include division
> by zero and other type error checks.
> We'd appreciate your feedback and bug reports!
> ---
> [1] By "we", I mean the following excellent folks:
> * Michael Rowland
> * Andrew Tian
> * Daniel Kocoj
> [2] http://cs.brown.edu/~sk/Publications/Papers/Published/mfk-mind-lang-novice-inter-error-msg/
> ____________________
> Racket Users list:
> http://lists.racket-lang.org/users
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