[racket] interaction between in-cycle and in-value

From: Tim Brown (tim.brown at cityc.co.uk)
Date: Fri Aug 3 09:11:20 EDT 2012

I'm trying to create a long-running for loop; and would like a
"heart beat" mechanism to show progress.

I've tried to use:
([i (in-range 1000000)]
  [pulse (in-cycle (in-range 999) (in-value (displayln ".")))]

Which gives me:
  Value: 499999500000
  stdout: ".\n"

[I think rudybot was grateful for not having to display 1000 dots; but...
with some experimentation:

[soegaard asked rudybot]:

(for ([j (in-range 10)] [i (in-cycle (in-range 3) (in-value (displayln 
".")))]) (displayln i))
  stdout: ".\n0\n1\n2\n#<void>\n0\n1\n2\n#<void>\n0\n1\n"

Which suggests that the in-value is evaluated once printing a dot and
returning #<void> -- then returning void (which is printed out with the
(displayln i) clause.

The documentation for in-cycle says:
"where each seq is initiated afresh in each iteration"

Can (in-value ..) not be "initiated afresh"?
Why not?
Is there a bug in the documentation of (in-cycle)?
Or should (in-value) be documented as "cannot be initiated afresh"?



Tim Brown <tim.brown at cityc.co.uk>  | City Computing Limited            |
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