[racket] Getting test-engine to work with #lang racket
On Sep 18, 2011, at 9:22 PM, Luke Vilnis wrote:
> Thanks guys, that works! Still, it's pretty confusing that running
> (test) from the repl does not work, only inserting it at the end of
> the file. It would be nice to mention that in the docs, something
> like:
> "Note that the check forms only register checks to be performed.
> The checks are actually run by the test function."
> =>
> "Note that the check forms only register checks to be performed.
> The checks are actually run by the test function, which should be
> called at the end of the file. Using test in the REPL will not run
> check forms declared in the definitions."
An even better answer would be for "test" to WORK in the REPL. I
hadn't noticed that it doesn't (although I haven't used test-engine/
racket-tests very much). Can somebody who knows explain in small
words why it doesn't?
Stephen Bloch
sbloch at adelphi.edu
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