[racket] Trace rejects set!
I'm looking at some old Scheme code and find that the code still works under (#lang racket) but trace is unhappy with the use of set! in the traced function.
set!: cannot modify a constant: next-leaf-generator
I also tried (#lang r5rs) but it's unhappy with my require.
(require racket/trace) => expand: unbound identifier in module in: require
What #lang/require must I use to work around this?
#lang racket
(require racket/trace)
(define next-leaf-generator
(λ (obj eot)
(letrec ((return #f)
(cont (λ (x)
(recur obj)
(set! cont (λ (x) (return eot)))
(cont #f)))
(recur (λ (obj)
(if (pair? obj)
(for-each recur obj)
(call/cc (λ (c)
(set! cont c)
(return obj)))))))
(λ () (call/cc (λ (ret)
(set! return ret)
(cont #f)))))))
(define leaf-eq?
(λ (x y)
(let* ((eot (list 'eot))
(xf (next-leaf-generator x eot))
(yf (next-leaf-generator y eot)))
(letrec ((loop (λ (x y)
(cond ((not (eq? x y)) #f)
((eq? eot x) #t)
(else (loop (xf) (yf)))))))
(loop (xf) (yf))))))
;> (leaf-eq? '(a (b (c))) '((a) b c))
;> (leaf-eq? '(a (b (c))) '((a) b c d))
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