[racket] linking to planet packages in scribble?
15 minutes ago, Danny Yoo wrote:
> However, I don't like this because this is too specific on the minor
> version. I tried to weaken this to just use the major number, but
> with the expected failure:
> raco setup: WARNING: undefined tag in /home/dyoo/work/moby/manual.scrbl:
> raco setup: (mod-path "(planet dyoo/js-vm:1)")
> What makes me uncomfortable with tying the documentation to a
> specific major/minor version of a PLaneT package is its fragility:
> the link will break whenever I release a new minor version of a
> package.
I think that this is something that Carl wrote code for (which will
make it use whatever version you currently have), and Ryan recently
moved to planet.
((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (x) (x x))) Eli Barzilay:
http://barzilay.org/ Maze is Life!