[racket] IE blocks Help Desk search

From: Stephen De Gabrielle (stephen.degabrielle at acm.org)
Date: Mon May 9 08:32:24 EDT 2011


The javascript required message should ask user to use compatible default

> 'Sorry, you must have JavaScript to use this page.'

does not explain that to use the 'help desk' search under windows you should
change your default browser.

Suggested text:

> 'Sorry, you must have JavaScript to use this page.
> Javascript is disabled for local files in Internet Explorer. Please change
> your default browser to one that supports javascript in local files.
> Suggestions: Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome.'

We should probably also mention this on the documentation home page, in the
'getting started' document and in 'DrRacket: Programming

Kind regards,


On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 9:22 PM, YC <yinso.chen at gmail.com> wrote:

> If I recall correctly there were suggestions to serve the help pages
> through a local web server - was that tried and rejected?
> Thanks,
> yc
>   On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 12:57 PM, Eli Barzilay <eli at barzilay.org> wrote:
>> Four minutes ago, Jordan Schatz wrote:
>> > This is the only way I am aware of to get IE to automatically run JS
>> > in local files:
>> >
>> > http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc749149(WS.10).aspx
>> > (keep reading, it starts there but the important bit is a couple
>> > paragraphs down)
>> There are two things there, which both don't work: one is to disable
>> the whole thing, which means that you give up all proection making it
>> a non-solution.  The other (the "Mark of the Web" ridiculousness)
>> seemed like a promising direction, but I remember that there were some
>> bad issues with that too.
>> [IMO, they could have made things much better by making all local
>> pages behave as if they had that mark thing (which makes it impossible
>> to lead to security issues like reading local files), and only pages
>> that need more access would lead to asking the user for permission.
>> It seems like that would have been easier, since it makes the whole
>> local machine zone lockdown unnecessary...]
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Stephen De Gabrielle
stephen.degabrielle at acm.org
Telephone +44 (0)20 85670911
Mobile        +44 (0)79 85189045
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