[racket] Fix for dherman/json
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To chime in, I've found Python's PyPi setup to work quite well. It
doesn't handle any issue tracking, it will instead provide a reference
URL to the repository (GitHub, BitBucket, whatever) that the author is
using for version control which usually will have an issue tracker built
I like that approach much more because most of my time is spent on
BitBucket and I would prefer to keep it there instead of switching
around to different setups.
PLaneT should only be a distribution medium (as PyPi is)... IMHO of
Neil Van Dyke <neil at neilvandyke.org> writes:
> Robby Findler wrote at 05/02/2011 06:19 AM:
>> Are there bug reporting systems that you or Neil (or anyone, really) like?
> I've used a lot of issue-tracking systems, but don't recall a
> particularly likable one. They range from passable to infuriating.
> The main annoyance with the PLaneT Trac thing is that it's an
> *additional* thing I need to deal with. I was already getting bug
> reports and enhancement requests emailed to me directly, in addition
> to the issues that I identified myself... and now I have to keep track
> of an third place where issues are noted, and then hassle with its
> interface when handling those issues. That's making the process
> heavier-weight for me, not lighter-weight.
> The mixed feelings I'm having are that, as a package *author*, I don't
> want to have to use Trac, *but*, in an open source environment like
> PLaneT, as a package *user*, I can see value in getting known issues
> out into the open.
> Despite feelings mixed, I'm leaning towards thinking that package
> authors/maintainers to be able to disable PLaneT Trac for their
> packages, on a per-package basis, with the understanding that the
> author/maintainer is then supposed to provide alternative means for
> reporting bugs. The default would be for Trac to be enabled.
> If people want to know the known issues in my packages, most of the
> issues are noted in the source code or documentation. That's not
> optimal for them, compared to (in theory) being able to go to a
> well-known Web site and see all the issues, but I'll be somewhat less
> slow to respond to emailed bug reports.
> One more comment: I estimate that I get a few times more issues from
> Racket users through email than through PLaneT Trac. I know a lot of
> people don't like going to a Web site and filling out bug submission
> forms, and perhaps that's why I get more email than Trac. This also
> means that known issues about my packages generally aren't in Trac
> anyway.
- --
Parnell "ixmatus" Springmeyer (http://ixmat.us)
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