[racket] Fix for dherman/json
Robby Findler wrote at 05/02/2011 06:19 AM:
> Are there bug reporting systems that you or Neil (or anyone, really) like?
I've used a lot of issue-tracking systems, but don't recall a
particularly likable one. They range from passable to infuriating.
The main annoyance with the PLaneT Trac thing is that it's an
*additional* thing I need to deal with. I was already getting bug
reports and enhancement requests emailed to me directly, in addition to
the issues that I identified myself... and now I have to keep track of
an third place where issues are noted, and then hassle with its
interface when handling those issues. That's making the process
heavier-weight for me, not lighter-weight.
The mixed feelings I'm having are that, as a package *author*, I don't
want to have to use Trac, *but*, in an open source environment like
PLaneT, as a package *user*, I can see value in getting known issues out
into the open.
Despite feelings mixed, I'm leaning towards thinking that package
authors/maintainers to be able to disable PLaneT Trac for their
packages, on a per-package basis, with the understanding that the
author/maintainer is then supposed to provide alternative means for
reporting bugs. The default would be for Trac to be enabled.
If people want to know the known issues in my packages, most of the
issues are noted in the source code or documentation. That's not
optimal for them, compared to (in theory) being able to go to a
well-known Web site and see all the issues, but I'll be somewhat less
slow to respond to emailed bug reports.
One more comment: I estimate that I get a few times more issues from
Racket users through email than through PLaneT Trac. I know a lot of
people don't like going to a Web site and filling out bug submission
forms, and perhaps that's why I get more email than Trac. This also
means that known issues about my packages generally aren't in Trac anyway.