[racket] Integrating scribble and LaTeX

From: Prabhakar Ragde (plragde at uwaterloo.ca)
Date: Tue Jun 21 21:14:13 EDT 2011

On 6/21/11 9:07 PM, Robby Findler wrote:
> FWIW, there is a way to pull in arbitrary latex code in, but it has to
> interoperate with what scribble generates and setting it up, while not
> difficult, does require some familiarity with the way scribble works
> in a big picture kind of a way.

But he wants it the other way around: he wants to write small pieces in 
Scribble, render to LaTeX, and \include in a larger LaTeX document. 
Which would require some sort of scripted postprocessing of the 
LaTeX-from-Scribble fragment (not bad -- just removing the first several 
lines and the \end{document}), plus various includes in the larger 
document that the Scribble output expects. Can be done, but so far I'm 
not finding it hard to go the other way, converting LaTeX documents to 
Scribble. Of course, I haven't tried to do serious math, or serious 
tables. --PR

(PS I'm curious as to what Matthias intends to do when HtDP/2e gets to 
the point where people want a paper version.)

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