[racket] Lazy take is the identity?
About a minute ago, Jukka Tuominen wrote:
> Hi,
> a funny coincidence. I was just experimenting with ". args" a few
> days ago - the number and order of arguments, that is. I tried it on
> "filter" since I always seem to forget the order of arguments.
> (define (my-filter . args);; ignores the order of arguments
> (filter (car (filter procedure? args)) (car (filter list? args))))
> (my-filter number? '( 1 a 2 b)) >> (1 2)
> (my-filter '( 1 a 2 b) number?) >> (1 2)
> I'm not seriously suggesting to use this hack, just a funny
> coincidence...
I've tried something like this in the past, and overall my experience
is that it leads to a mess. Some of the problems:
* People won't rely on both variations working, and will want to know
what's the "blessed" way. Related to this is the problem of
documenting it. (IMO this is a case where the difficulty in making
a good documentation corresponds to a bad function design.)
* Much easier to get confusing errors.
* You need to check that you have the right number of arguments, for
example -- your code will make this work:
(my-filter 'bogus number? "bogus" '(1 2 3) 123)
* Also there's a question of how to deal with extending the function
-- what if the extension needs two lists?
* Finally, all of this is worse in a lazy language -- where you can't
even check the types of the inputs without forcing them, so for
something like `take' you won't be able to make it so
(take 0 (error)) will not throw an error.
((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (x) (x x))) Eli Barzilay:
http://barzilay.org/ Maze is Life!