[racket] Failing to compile PLT Scheme v372
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It worked :)
The other function that needed it was scheme_eqv(), right below
double_eqv() in bool.c.
Adding the second #ifdef block after scheme_eqv() instead of after
double_eqv() seems to suffice.
With this, it finished compiling without further errors and appears to
be working.
Thank you.
On 01/17/2011 10:46 PM, Matthew Flatt wrote:
| You can try modifying the source code to add
| #ifdef MZ_XFORM
| #endif
| before the double_eqv() function in "bool.c" (line 127) and then
| #ifdef MZ_XFORM
| #endif
| after the function.
| I think you'll have to do that for one or two other functions that
| trigger the same error message.
| Beware: I recently gave this advice to someone else who was trying to
| run an old PLT Scheme version on a new Linux version. We didn't get it
| working, but maybe we just didn't try enough.
| At Sat, 15 Jan 2011 01:18:55 +0000, João Ricardo Sares Teles de Matos
|> Hello,
|> I'm failing to compile PLT Scheme v372 under Debian 6.0 "Squeeze"
|> GNU/Linux i386.
|> When running make, it eventually fails with the following error message:
|>> Done making xform-collects.
|> [...]
|>> env XFORM_USE_PRECOMP=xsrc/precomp.h ../mzschemecgc -rq ./xform.ss
|>> --setup --cpp "gcc -E -DNEWGC_BTC_ACCOUNT -I./.. -I./../include" -o
|>> xsrc/bool.c ./../src/bool.c
|>> Error [GCING] 133 in ./../src/bool.c: Function double_eqv declared
|>> __xform_nongcing__, but includes a function call.
|>> xform: Errors converting
|>> === context ===
|> /xform.ss:8:2:
|>> xform
|>> make[4]: *** [xsrc/bool.c] Error 1
|>> make[4]: Leaving directory
|>> `/home/rnl/rnl162511/src/plt-372/src/mzscheme/gc2'
|>> make[3]: *** [all] Error 2
|>> make[3]: Leaving directory
|>> `/home/rnl/rnl162511/src/plt-372/src/mzscheme/gc2'
|>> make[2]: *** [3m] Error 2
|>> make[2]: Leaving directory
|>> make[1]: *** [3m] Error 2
|>> make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/rnl/rnl162511/src/plt-372/src'
|>> make: *** [all] Error 2
|> Full make output at http://pastebin.com/swirHWVS
|> Tested without additional configure options.
|> Building from the Debian source package at [1] yields the same error.
|> [1] http://snapshot.debian.org/package/drscheme/1:372-1/
|> I'm a student sysadmin and need to provide this for our workstations.
|> The teaching staff requires this specific version because it's what the
|> subject textbook covers.
|> I am told an update is on the works and will use Racket.
|> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
|> Sincerely,
|> João Ricardo Matos
|> --
|> João Ricardo Sares Teles de Matos
|> joao.matos at rnl.ist.utl.pt
|> Administração de Sistemas da Rede das Novas Licenciaturas
|> Instituto Superior Técnico
|> web: https://www.rnl.ist.utl.pt
|> email: rnl at rnl.ist.utl.pt
|> telefone: +351 218 41 77 71
- --
João Ricardo Sares Teles de Matos
joao.matos at rnl.ist.utl.pt
Administração de Sistemas da Rede das Novas Licenciaturas
Instituto Superior Técnico
web: https://www.rnl.ist.utl.pt
email: rnl at rnl.ist.utl.pt
telefone: +351 218 41 77 71
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