[racket] Racket not supporting nono-European writing systems

From: J Smithfield (jsmithfield at hotmail.co.uk)
Date: Wed Jan 26 07:13:02 EST 2011

Apart from Chinese Racket does not seem to support non-European languages. I had reported this fact in a previous email.
This was acknowledged rather halfheartedly; but no further assurance as to doing something about it has been forthcoming.
Among the major programming languages and systems, Scheme (Racket among others) with a few others (OCaml, Clean, ...) is one of the last to lag behind in this respect.
If Racket developpers do not intend to correct this (voluntary) bug, we have no choice but to flag Racket as a non-friendly programming system with regards to non-European writing systems; and that would be a real shame when we know that Scheme is such an interesting language.
Please Racketeers, wake up!
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