[racket] understanding future/touch
I'd like to understand a point about futures.
The doc says:
"Between a call to future and touch for a given future, the given thunk may run speculatively in parallel to other computations"
(noticing the _may_)
In order to know if it does, and when, I added a write in the future computation.
(let ([f (future (lambda () (write "ok") (any-double? l2)))])
(list (any-double? l1)
(touch f)))
I am surprised that if I don't call touch, the future computation is never run (at least not in the many many tries I did).
and if I call touch (even in another function [*]), I get the 2x speedup.
So how do you magically determine whether or not to run the thunk in parallel?
-- Éric
(define (foo x)
(touch x))
(time (let ([f (future (lambda () (any-double? l2)))])
(list (any-double? l1)
(foo f))))