[racket] racket ppa for ubuntu

From: Todd O'Bryan (toddobryan at gmail.com)
Date: Sun Jan 16 19:53:48 EST 2011

Thanks so much for doing this! I have ppa's for several other programs
and they're so much more convenient than having to handle upgrades and
installations manually.

On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 5:15 PM, Jon Rafkind <rafkind at cs.utah.edu> wrote:
> There was a convenient button on the launchpad website (where the ppa
> lives) to copy the package to 10.10 so I did that and it seems to work.
> So if racket failed to install before, try it again.
> On 01/14/2011 01:10 PM, Jon Rafkind wrote:
>> It appears this build only works for lucid (10.04). I'll have to make
>> new packages for 10.10.
>> On 01/13/2011 03:10 PM, Jon Rafkind wrote:
>>> I have built a ppa for racket on Ubuntu. This is pretty alpha so let me
>>> know if there are any issues with it (besides the one outlined below).
>>> Information page: https://launchpad.net/~plt/+archive/racket
>>> To install do:
>>> $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:plt/racket
>>> (Use 'sudo apt-get install python-software-properties' if you dont have
>>> add-apt-repository)
>>> $ sudo apt-get update # not sure if this is really needed
>>> $ sudo apt-get install -f racket
>>> You need the -f because there is a conflict between `racket' and
>>> `racket-common' about some HISTORY.txt file. I'll try to fix that for
>>> the next release.
>>> I made the ppa on a lucid (10.04) system and tested there. I'm not 100%
>>> it will work on non-lucid systems but I guess it should. Right now there
>>> are builds for i386 and amd64.
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