[racket] compiling interactions?
> It looks like you've constructed your namespace with
> "module->namespace". The provides the bindings from inside the
> module, not the ones it provides. I think you want to use
> namespace-require or something similar.
Ah, thank you! That works. Here's what I have now, just in case it
helps anyone else:
#lang racket/base
(define language-namespace-cache (make-hash))
;; lookup-language-namespace: module-path -> namespace
;; Returns a namespace associated with the lang.
(define (lookup-language-namespace lang)
(hash-ref language-namespace-cache lang
(lambda ()
(let ([ns (make-base-empty-namespace)])
(parameterize ([current-namespace ns])
(namespace-require lang))
(hash-set! language-namespace-cache lang ns)
;; get-interaction-bytecode: (or sexp syntax) -> bytes
(define (get-interaction-bytecode x #:language-module
(language-module 'racket/base))
(let ([module-namespace
(lookup-language-namespace language-module)])
(parameterize ([current-namespace module-namespace])
(compile (namespace-syntax-introduce
(datum->syntax #f (cons '#%top-interaction x))))))))
;; serialize-compiled-code: compiled-code -> bytes
(define (serialize-compiled-code a-compiled-code)
(let ([op (open-output-bytes)])
(write a-compiled-code op)
(get-output-bytes op)))