[racket] Possible bug with sine and cosine (simple floating-point issue?)

From: prad (prad at towardsfreedom.com)
Date: Fri Jan 7 02:20:51 EST 2011

Hugh Myers <hsmyers at gmail.com> writes:

> Should anyone be interested in such
> things and not being happy with existing libraries (there are more
> than a few) then I would recommend Knuth's Semi-Numerical Algorithms.
wonderful! i have knuth's art of computer programming work on pdf, but
would like to get the real thing. what i've read so far is superb! he
takes such care both in presentation as well as follow-through.

nice to meet a pioneer of the industry hugh! while you were introducing
your fractals, i was only oooing and awwwing at the macintosh which had
just come out in the mid 80s. :D

in friendship,

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