[racket] continuation barrier in raise
On Wed, Jan 5, 2011 at 7:40 AM, Keiko Nakata <keiko at kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp> wrote:
> Thanks for the code.
> I'm a bit confused as replacing 'call-with-exception-handler' by
> 'with-handlers' seem to not produce the same bahavior:
> (call-with-continuation-prompt
> (lambda ()
> (with-handlers
> ([(lambda (_) true) (lambda (_)
> (call-with-current-continuation
> (lambda (k) (abort-current-continuation t k))
> t))])
> (lambda () (raise 3))))
> t
> (lambda (k)
> (call-with-continuation-prompt
> (lambda () (k 4))
> t)))
> What am I missing?
A `with-handlers' handler and a `call-with-exception-handler' handler
are invoked with different continuations. A `with-handlers' handler is
invoked with the continuation of the entire `with-handlers'
expression; a `call-with-exception-handler' handler is invoked with
the continuation of the `raise' call. In this example, the barrier is
gone by the time the `with-handlers' handler runs.
I only discovered this subtlety myself about a week ago, but somehow
it didn't occur to me that you were missing it until after I sent my
message. By the time I made it back to a computer to follow up, you'd
already asked the follow up question :)