[racket] Dr Racket error OS X Lion

From: Mike Owens (m.owens at yahoo.com)
Date: Sat Aug 6 22:57:54 EDT 2011

I just tried using and the behavior is worse. No window appears and CPU usage pegs. 

ᚦ  Thorn: the thorn
Computers crash
and planes fall out the skies.
That is the nature of things
and not always evil in intent.
Even good people sometimes cause
good people harm.

On Aug 6, 2011, at 7:26 PM, Robby Findler wrote:

> That sounds like a different error. Can you explain more carefully
> what you see? That is, any kind of freeze renders drracket equally
> useless to you, but depending on exactly how it appears to be freezing
> there are different ways that I would try to go about finding the bug.
> Thanks,
> Robby
> On Sat, Aug 6, 2011 at 9:13 PM, Mike Owens <m.owens at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Unfortunately the error no longer appears and DrRacket just freezes. In the dev list it is the same errors that were reported for Windows.
>> ---
>> ᚦ  Thorn: the thorn
>> Computers crash
>> and planes fall out the skies.
>> That is the nature of things
>> and not always evil in intent.
>> Even good people sometimes cause
>> good people harm.
>> On Aug 6, 2011, at 7:07 PM, Robby Findler wrote:
>>> What is the exact error?
>>> One of the possible (likely) issues can be fixed by removing line 1534
>>> from plt/collects/framework/private/text.rkt. The line in question
>>> looks like this:
>>>      (set! todo '())
>>> (You have to restart DrRacket after that change to see the fix.)
>>> Of course, do send along the exact error, just in case you're seeing
>>> something different.
>>> Robby
>>> On Sat, Aug 6, 2011 at 8:59 PM, Mike Owens <m.owens at yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>> I just upgraded to Lion (thinking I should have waited) which forced an
>>>> upgrade to Racket 5.1.2. Unfortunately there is an error when you load a
>>>> Racket file or type Sexp into the Dr Racket editor. I saw on the Dev list
>>>> that the error is known and is already fixed in the Repo. Is there a patch
>>>> somewhere that I can get or a knew executable or something?
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Mike
>>>> ---
>>>> ᚱ Rad: riding
>>>> When one sits in one's home
>>>> everything looks so easy;
>>>> talk is easier than action.
>>>> To walk in another's shoes
>>>> and do better,
>>>> that is a most difficult task.
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