[racket] Racket v5.1.2
Hendrik Boom wrote at 08/04/2011 08:22 AM:
> On Wed, Aug 03, 2011 at 10:45:59PM -0400, Eli Barzilay wrote:
>>> (e.g., to reflect huge changes, or for marketing).
>> (There was never an instance of the latter, AFAIR.)
> The name change from PLT Scheme to Racket sounded like marketing to me.
I'm very happy with the name change to Racket, as well as with the
ongoing efforts to get out the message about our secret sauce, and
ongoing efforts to learn from more developers. All of these were pushed
on together.
Were you a filthy MBA, you might call that *branding*, *marketing*, and
*consumer research*... but I think more appropriate terms in this case
would be *disambiguation*, *communications*, and *participatory
design*. Regardless, this furthers *technology transfer*, *research
being informed by practice*, and simply *people not getting terribly
confused like they did when one said the old name*.
That's my own perspective, as an industry/research/government consultant
who uses Racket heavily; PLTers will have somewhat different perspectives.
(I did not mean for "marketing" to sound loaded before. I just tossed
it out casually as one reason that people sometimes change the major
version number of software.)