[racket] Web Application Deployment

From: Anton van Straaten (anton at appsolutions.com)
Date: Tue Jun 22 16:49:13 EDT 2010

Karl Winterling wrote:
> I'm a college student in California, so I can't afford a World of
> Warcraft account. However, I might try to design and "sell" a Racket
> application to my Co-op. so I'll need to avoid sounding mentally
> disturbed to the central IT staff.

Be aware that IT staff might be a bit reluctant to deploy traditional 
CGI applications these days.  Traditional CGI invokes an executable on 
each request, which tends to put unnecessary load on servers, 
particularly if the application has many users, or if it's public and 
has search bots crawling it.

The P languages, Perl/Python/PHP, have long since moved to using either 
modules integrated with the web server, or FCGI/SCGI approaches where 
you need a separate server running the application anyway.

If FCGI or SCGI are options, then a third option that might be open to 
you is running a Racket web server on a non-standard port and having IT 
set up proxying to expose that server through their primary web server. 
    That takes just a few lines of configuration on most major web 
servers, and it doesn't require any special protocols, libraries, or APIs.


Posted on the users mailing list.