[racket] BIG BUG! On Windows, copying a bitmap doesn't work
Sent this to just Robby, so forwarding to the list for posterity.
Also, I just tried re-opening the file on Linux and it doesn't work
there, although copying from Interactions to Definitions does work,
unlike on Windows. Here's a link to the file, in case the way it's
formatted provides a clue to why this isn't working:
The idea was for students to reproduce the images given so that the
test cases would pass. The black circles in the file should be the
images on this page:
P.S. I'm glad we caught this before the fall. Saving files with images
and then re-opening them with black circles is a little disconcerting.
(define BLAH --insert image here using menu--)
In interactions, do
> (image-beside BLAH BLAH)
pretty picture appears
Select pretty picture. Choose copy. Paste up into Definitions window.
Instead of pretty picture, black circle appears. (And it's a weird
circle that covers up parts of the text and doesn't seem right.)
On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 8:24 PM, Robby Findler
<robby at eecs.northwestern.edu> wrote:
> Can you provide a more precise description of what is failing?
> Thanks,
> Robby
> On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 7:07 PM, Todd O'Bryan <toddobryan at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I gave my students a bunch of images created with 2htdp/image to try
>> to recreate.
>> All of the images involving bitmaps appear as black circles on Windows.
>> Even if you create the image in the interactions window and then copy
>> it into the definitions, the same big, nasty black circle appears.
>> This is true on both 5.0 and the latest nightly build.
>> Todd
>> P.S. Works fine on Linux, as far as I can tell. I can have my TA check
>> Mac OS after tonight's class.
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