[racket] xml processing question
I usually use the SXML-related tools in PLaneT, rather than the "xexpr"
ones. They are a little tricky to get started with (I plan to improve
this situation soon), so here is a simple demonstration using your
example, to get you started:
---- Begin Example ----
#lang racket/base
(require (only-in racket/port call-with-input-string)
(only-in (planet lizorkin/ssax:2:0/ssax) ssax:xml->sxml)
(only-in (planet jim/sxml-match:1:1/sxml-match) sxml-match))
(define xmlin "
<name>Some software</name>
<more licence='gpl' checked='2010-12-10'/>
<ref id='someref'/>
<author id='John Doe'/>
(define sxml (call-with-input-string xmlin
(lambda (in)
(ssax:xml->sxml in '()))))
;; ==> (*TOP* (doc (name "Some software")
;; (more (@ (licence "gpl")
;; (checked "2010-12-10")))
;; (ref (@ (id "someref")))
;; (author (@ (id "John Doe")))))
(sxml-match (cadr sxml)
((doc (name ,name)
(more (@ (licence ,licence)
(checked ,checked)))
(ref (@ (id ,ref)))
(author (@ (id ,author))))
(format "The author is ~A." author)))
;; ==> "The author is John Doe."
---- End Example ----
Note that, in practice, you will mix these SXML tools with low-level
list-processing tools. For a simple example, in the example above I
used "cadr" as a convenient way to get the first (and only) top-level
SXML element.