[racket] else: not allowed as an expression in: else
If you change from #lang racket to #lang mzscheme your program will work.
I'm pretty sure the issue is that eopl was defined in terms of the
'mzscheme' language where `cond' checks for `else' symbolically. The
`else' you are using is from the 'racket' language where its defined as
a syntactic transformer that cannot be used as an expression, it can
only be used inside `cond' forms from the 'racket' language.
Well maybe thats not 100% right, but its something like that. The whole
situation (combining the mzscheme and racket modules) pretty
unfortunate, IMO.
On 12/21/2010 04:57 PM, Niitsuma Hirotaka wrote:
> I try to run this code on racket
> http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread277930.html
> After little modify I enables run this code on swindle.
> But when I chose language racket, this code cause error
> else: not allowed as an expression in: else
> flowing is the modified code
> -------------------------------------------
> #lang racket
> (require eopl/eopl)
> ;The helpers used in parse and unparse
> ;(define list-of
> ; (lambda (pred)
> ; (lambda (val)
> ; (or (null? val)
> ; (and (pair? val)
> ; (pred (car val))
> ; ((list-of pred) (cdr val)))))))
> ;combines 2 lists of the same size
> ;as a list of list with corresponding elements
> (define combine
> (lambda (ls1 ls2)
> (if (null? ls1)
> '()
> (append (list (list (car ls1) (car ls2)))
> (combine (cdr ls1) (cdr ls2))))))
> (define improperlist?
> (lambda (x)
> (and (pair? x) (not (list? x)))))
> (define literal?
> (lambda (x)
> (or (number? x)
> (string? x)
> (boolean? x)
> (vector? x))))
> (define list-of-lists?
> (lambda (x)
> (and (list? x)
> (andmap list? x))))
> (define lengths-equal-two?
> (lambda (x)
> (= (length x) 2)))
> (define firsts
> (lambda (ls)
> (if (null? ls)
> '()
> (cons (caar ls)
> (firsts (cdr ls))))))
> (define lasts
> (lambda (ls)
> (if (null? ls)
> '()
> (cons (cadar ls)
> (lasts (cdr ls))))))
> (define-datatype expression expression?
> [var-exp
> (id symbol?)]
> [lambda-exp
> (vars (list-of symbol?))
> (bodies (list-of expression?))]
> [lambda-var-improp-exp
> (vars (list-of improperlist?))
> (bodies (list-of expression?))]
> [lambda-var-sym-exp
> (vars symbol?)
> (bodies (list-of expression?))]
> [set-exp
> (id symbol?)
> (var expression?)]
> [app-exp
> (rands (list-of expression?))]
> [lit-exp
> (id literal?)]
> [if-exp
> (test expression?)
> (true expression?)
> (false expression?)]
> [if-noelse-exp
> (test expression?)
> (true expression?)]
> [let-exp
> (vars (list-of symbol?))
> (vals (list-of expression?))
> (bodies (list-of expression?))]
> [let*-exp
> (vars (list-of symbol?))
> (vals (list-of expression?))
> (bodies (list-of expression?))]
> [letrec-exp
> (vars (list-of symbol?))
> (vals (list-of expression?))
> (bodies (list-of expression?))]
> [letname-exp
> (name symbol?)
> (vars (list-of symbol?))
> (vals (list-of expression?))
> (bodies (list-of expression?))])
> ;parse
> (define parse-exp
> (lambda (datum)
> (cond
> [(symbol? datum) (var-exp datum)]
> [(literal? datum) (lit-exp datum)]
> [(pair? datum)
> (cond
> [(eqv? (car datum) 'lambda)
> (if (< (length (cdr datum)) 2)
> (eopl:error 'parse-exp "Invalid lambda syntax ~s" datum)
> (cond
> [(list? (cadr datum))
> (lambda-exp (cadr datum)
> (map parse-exp (cddr datum)))]
> [(symbol? (cadr datum))
> (lambda-var-sym-exp (cadr datum)
> (map parse-exp (cddr datum)))]
> [(improperlist? (cadr datum))
> (lambda-var-improp-exp (cadr datum)
> (map parse-exp (cddr datum)))]
> [else
> (eopl:error 'parse-exp
> "Invalid lambda syntax ~s" datum)]))]
> [(eqv? (car datum) 'set!)
> (if (= (length (cdr datum)) 2)
> (set-exp (cadr datum)
> (parse-exp (caddr datum)))
> (eopl:error 'parse-exp
> "Invalid set! syntax ~s" datum))]
> [(eqv? (car datum) 'set)
> (eopl:error "Invalid set syntax ~s" datum)]
> [(eqv? (car datum) 'if)
> (cond
> [(= (length (cdr datum)) 3)
> (if-exp (parse-exp (cadr datum))
> (parse-exp (caddr datum))
> (parse-exp (cadddr datum)))]
> [(= (length (cdr datum)) 2)
> (if-noelse-exp (parse-exp (cadr datum))
> (parse-exp (caddr datum)))]
> [else
> (eopl:error 'parse-exp
> "Invalid if syntax ~s" datum)])]
> [(and (eqv? (car datum) 'let) (list? (cadr datum)))
> (cond
> [(< (length (cdr datum)) 2)
> (eopl:error 'parse-exp "Invalid let syntax ~s" datum)]
> [(and (list-of-lists? (cadr datum))
> (andmap lengths-equal-two? (cadr datum)))
> (let-exp (firsts (cadr datum))
> (map parse-exp (lasts (cadr datum)))
> (map parse-exp (cddr datum)))]
> [else
> (eopl:error 'parse-exp
> "Invalid let syntax ~s" datum)])]
> [(and (eqv? (car datum) 'let) (symbol? (cadr datum)))
> (cond
> [(< (length (cdr datum)) 3)
> (eopl:error 'parse-exp "Invalid named let syntax ~s" datum)]
> [(and (list-of-lists? (caddr datum))
> (andmap lengths-equal-two? (caddr datum)))
> (letname-exp (cadr datum)
> (firsts (caddr datum))
> (map parse-exp (lasts (caddr datum)))
> (map parse-exp (cdddr datum)))]
> [else
> (eopl:error 'parse-exp
> "Invalid named let syntax ~s" datum)])]
> [(eqv? (car datum) 'let*)
> (cond
> [(< (length (cdr datum)) 2)
> (eopl:error 'parse-exp "Invalid let* syntax ~s" datum)]
> [(and (list-of-lists? (cadr datum))
> (andmap lengths-equal-two? (cadr datum)))
> (let*-exp (firsts (cadr datum))
> (map parse-exp (lasts (cadr datum)))
> (map parse-exp (cddr datum)))]
> [else
> (eopl:error 'parse-exp
> "Invalid let* syntax ~s" datum)])]
> [(eqv? (car datum) 'letrec)
> (cond
> [(< (length (cdr datum)) 2)
> (eopl:error "Invalid letrec syntax ~s" datum)]
> [(and (list-of-lists? (cadr datum))
> (andmap lengths-equal-two? (cadr datum)))
> (letrec-exp (firsts (cadr datum))
> (map parse-exp (lasts (cadr datum)))
> (map parse-exp (cddr datum)))]
> [else
> (eopl:error 'parse-exp
> "Invalid letrec syntax ~s" datum)])]
> [(list? datum)
> (app-exp (map parse-exp datum))]
> [else
> (eopl:error 'parse-exp "Invalid syntax ~s" datum)])]
> [else (eopl:error 'parse-exp
> "Invalid syntax ~s" datum)])))
> ;unparse
> (define unparse-exp
> (lambda (exp)
> (cases expression exp
> [var-exp (id) id]
> [lit-exp (id) id]
> [lambda-exp (vars bodies)
> (append (list 'lambda vars)
> (map unparse-exp bodies))]
> [lambda-var-sym-exp (vars bodies)
> (append (list 'lambda vars)
> (map unparse-exp bodies))]
> [lambda-var-improp-exp (vars bodies)
> (append (list 'lambda vars)
> (map unparse-exp bodies))]
> [set-exp (id var)
> (list id (unparse-exp var))]
> [app-exp (rands)
> (map unparse-exp rands)]
> [if-exp (test true false)
> (list 'if (unparse-exp test)
> (unparse-exp true)
> (unparse-exp false))]
> [if-noelse-exp (test true)
> (list 'if (unparse-exp test) (unparse-exp true))]
> [let-exp (vars vals bodies)
> (append (list 'let (combine vars vals))
> (map unparse-exp bodies))]
> [let*-exp (vars vals bodies)
> (append (list 'let* (combine vars vals))
> (map unparse-exp bodies))]
> [letrec-exp (vars vals bodies)
> (append (list 'letrec (combine vars vals))
> (map unparse-exp bodies))]
> [letname-exp (name vars vals bodies)
> (append (list 'let name (combine vars vals))
> (map unparse-exp bodies))])))
> _________________________________________________
> For list-related administrative tasks:
> http://lists.racket-lang.org/listinfo/users