[racket] image->color-list in WeScheme?
Why is WeScheme not in the PLT GIT repository? -- Matthias
On Dec 11, 2010, at 4:48 PM, Danny Yoo wrote:
>> Hello! WeScheme doesn't have image->color-list at the moment.
>> Given HTML5 gives us Canvas.getImageData(), it should be
>> straightforward for us to add support for it. Out of curiosity, what
>> kind of program are you thinking of writing with it?
> Followup: I have an implementation of image->color-list and
> color-list->image in place, but it's not in production yet.
> https://github.com/dyoo/mzscheme-vm/commit/cff671c429d7b7dd0b8ec08163a09a9fbe92c2d0
> https://github.com/dyoo/mzscheme-vm/commit/9f28d398e2e0cf95d01575b8d4915003012c4a94
> I need to do a little bit more work because I really should be
> exposing the functions that use alpha transparency. I need to do some
> code cleanup in WeScheme before I can make that happen.
> I should have this on the WeScheme development site fairly soon for
> you to play with.
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