[racket] metacircular interpreter, lexical scope, environment
Thanks Hendrik for both responses - please see inline.
On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 7:23 PM, Hendrik Boom <hendrik at topoi.pooq.com> wrote:
> The immutable hash table doesn't work well for lexically scoped
> variables.
> You can end up with multiple simultaneous bindings of the same
> variable in different contexts. Look up the Knuth Man-or-boy problem,
> for example, in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Man_or_boy_test
But isn't that what's called for in a chained environment? The inner can
see the outer bindings if not shadowed, but not vice versa.
> Subsituting them away is a correct, but slow way of implementing lexical
> scoping. It was invented in the days when mathematicians were inventing
> formal logic, and computers weren't around yet -- more as a way of
> preciely defining concepts tha a way of being practical. It had a clear
> meaning before side-effects became commonplace.
So what would be a fast way?
> But the activation frame doesn't have to be on the stack. It could,
> say, be om the heap.
Yes agreed - I don't mean the frames need to be held on "the stack" - I
don't even know if racket's frames are on "the stack". I just mean that I
need to maintain my own stack of frames instead of relying on racket to do
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