[racket] Possible to install both plt-scheme from repo and racket from racket-lang.org?

From: Laurent (laurent.orseau at gmail.com)
Date: Tue Aug 24 11:59:04 EDT 2010

On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 17:47, Eli Barzilay <eli at barzilay.org> wrote:

> On Aug 19, Laurent wrote:
> >
> > After some searching, maybe EPM (www.epmhome.org) is a good
> > solution.  It seems to be a nice, simple, Unix multi-platform
> > package manager from binaries.  It was very easy (noob here) to
> > create a .deb file from a Racket medium size project.  It can also
> > create .dmg, .rpm, and many (all?) other Unix formats + a portable
> > .tar.gz one, from a /single/ configuration file.  It deals with
> > subpackages and dependencies.  It can have a GUI with fltk.  (if
> > during install it says some libs are missing, get the -devel/-dev
> > ones, it should work).
> I had a brief look at it, and it sounds very promising.  Specifically,
> the ability to turn a distribution tgz into an rpm/deb/whatever would
> be nice, together with a plain shell-installer thing as we have now.
> (The subpackages and dependencies are not so relevant though, they
> might be more relevant in the future, but we'll need in any case to
> have something in racket to download and install packages, deal with
> dependencies etc.)

Probably dividing packages into core, textual, gui, docs, etc. would
 be nice I suppose.

> However, it's not clear to me how alive this project is.  Looking at
> the svn log it's pretty quiet, and I'm worried about a tool that I
> didn't hear about previously, and would rather use something well
> known (which means lots of users that make it stable, and long
> survival chances).  If you have any more information about this, or
> about any similar tools, I'd love to hear about it.

That worried me too a bit, but a question I asked was quickly
answered on the forum.
On the forum I also saw that it was apparently widely used by
IBM and Oracle (IIRC).

> Even better, is if anyone gets this (or something similar) and plays
> with a very simple spec file that I can try out -- and maybe
> eventually switch our packaging process to use it.

The documentation is quite complete and has some examples:
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