[racket] Long compilation+launch times
Update again:
Things are not that simple in fact.
Maybe the problem is because my project is inside an additional collection
I copied the project outside the collection path, and there it takes 5s to
launch (that version was used as a comparison in the previous update, that
is why).
Inside the path, it takes around 12s-14s.
I'd prefer the project to remain in the collection path, but if that is the
cause of the problem, I can change.
Any idea of why that is so?
On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 14:54, Laurent <laurent.orseau at gmail.com> wrote:
> Update:
> On a different (though faster) computer, things are as expected: the split
> version is much faster (5s to launch VS 12s).
> So the problem does not seem to be caused by Racket.
> I'll have to do more tests on my other computer to see where that comes
> from.
> Thanks for your help.
> ( That question still holds though: )
> Isn't there a way to add a collection path to mzc?
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