[plt-scheme] Another Programming Language Comparison

From: Stephen Bloch (sbloch at adelphi.edu)
Date: Mon Jun 1 09:52:51 EDT 2009

On Jun 1, 2009, at 8:41 AM, Benjamin L.Russell wrote:

> Aside, what I found particularly interesting about this blog entry was
> the blog writer's choice of PLT Scheme for generating the charts;
> ...
> Not bad for PLT Scheme, considering that the writer was coding a
> benchmark and chose PLT Scheme as his tool!

Actually, he was coding an analysis of benchmarks, not a benchmark  
itself.  But yes, Guillaume is a member of the PLT community (a  
former student of Shriram's, right?), has used my textbook in class  
and provided lots of valuable suggestions for improving it.

Stephen Bloch
sbloch at adelphi.edu

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