[plt-scheme] unhighlighting previously highlighted ranges

From: Robby Findler (robby at eecs.northwestern.edu)
Date: Wed Jul 29 12:38:55 EDT 2009

For now, you have to call unhighlight-range with the same arguments
you passed to highlight-range, or call the thunk that highlight-range

I've added exports for the range accessors to the framework in SVN
(but only on a branch for now, I'm sorry to say. Hopefully I'll be
able to merge it in soon).


2009/7/29 "M. Fatih Köksal" <fkoksal at cs.bilgi.edu.tr>:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to unhighlight previously highlighted ranges in a
> color:text%. What would be the appropriate way of doing it?
> There is the "get-highlighted-ranges" method, which returns (listof
> range). However, I couldn't process the returned range structure. It's
> defined as;
> (define-struct range (start end caret-space? style color) #:inspector #f)
> in ./framework/private/text.ss, but, it's not provided.
> M. Fatih Köksal
> İstanbul Bilgi University
> Department of Computer Science
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