[plt-scheme] Re: new bug test results for the intermittent file explorer hanging problem previously reported
On Fri, 11 Dec 2009 19:01:58 +0900, Benjamin L.Russell
<DekuDekuplex at Yahoo.com> wrote:
>On Thu, 10 Dec 2009 16:31:15 -0600, Robby Findler
><robby at eecs.northwestern.edu> wrote:
>>As a workaround until that time, try running this in DrScheme. It
>>should change your file dialog boxes to use Scheme-implemented ones
>>that probably don't suffer from this problem (they are completely
>>different, tho).
>>You may need to restart drscheme.
>>---- cut here ----
>>#lang scheme
>>(require framework)
>>(preferences:set 'framework:file-dialogs 'common)
>>---- cut here ----
>Yes, this is wonderful! Indeed, DrScheme doesn't hang in your
>Scheme-implemented file explorer dialog box.
>Now I can finally concentrate! Thank you very much, Robby!
Incidentally, the "NewDir" button (just above the "Go" button) in the
dialog box is grayed out and apparently disabled, and I can't seem to
enable it; is there any way to activate it, or otherwise to create a
new directory in the dialog box?
-- Benjamin L. Russell
>-- Benjamin L. Russell
>>2009/12/9 Matthew Flatt <mflatt at cs.utah.edu>:
>>> It seems likely to me that DrScheme is doing something wrong here,
>>> probably in the way it uses threads to keep the event loop for the file
>>> dialog separate from DrScheme's main event loop.
>>> Benjamin: I very much appreciate your detailed bug report.
>>> Unfortunately, I've never found the time (including tracking down the
>>> right version of Windows) to investigate this further.
>>> Currently, I'm looking to the MrEd re-write the way to address this
>>> problem. In the short run, the rewrite will create entirely new
>>> problems, but I think we at least know better how to handle event loops
>>> and avoid the problem that is likely behind the file-dialog bug. I just
>>> need about 3 more months...
>>> Matthew
>>> At Wed, 9 Dec 2009 18:01:13 +0100, Laurent wrote:
>>>> Apparently Windows is to blame indeed.
>>>> However it's strange that for me this bug only occurs in DrScheme and in no
>>>> other app that I have.
>>>> On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 17:20, Thomas Holubar <scheme at phirho.com> wrote:
>>>> > Hi Benjamin!
>>>> >
>>>> > If I am not mistaken the Dialog you're referring to is a native system
>>>> > dialog. So the problem would be a Windows responsibility.
>>>> >
>>>> > Actually I've had (and sporadically have) similar issues with the Windows
>>>> > explorer. If you search for <Windows explorer not responding> on the web
>>>> > you'll see that this is quite common.
>>>> >
>>>> > HTH,
>>>> > Thomas
>>>> >
>>>> >
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