[plt-scheme] Collect-Garbage not enabled on Dr. Scheme?
David Yrueta wrote:
> Thank you. I'm not working on any of those platforms, just on Dr.
> Scheme. Can you explain to me what collect-garbage does?
Hi David,
I've attached a teachpack that makes collect-garbage available. Save
the file, open DrScheme, select Language > Add Teachpack ..., Add
Teachpack to List... Navigate to the saved file and select it. You
should now be able to run your program.
DrScheme will implicitly collect values that are no longer in use during
the running of your program so that their memory can be re-used (this
process is called "garbage collection"). This process takes time, so in
order for your timings to be more accurate, you should explicitly cause
this process to happen just before collecting timing information.
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