[plt-scheme] Collect-Garbage not enabled on Dr. Scheme?
Thank you. I'm not working on any of those platforms, just on Dr. Scheme.
Can you explain to me what collect-garbage does?
On Sat, Apr 4, 2009 at 1:21 PM, emre berat nebioğlu <beratn at gmail.com>wrote:
> it works in pretty big ,lazy scheme and also FRtime plus it works in PLAI
> scheme.
> My drscheme version : 4.1.4
> On Sat, Apr 4, 2009 at 11:12 PM, dave yrueta <dyrueta at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi All --
>> After creating function 'create-tests,' I ran the following per HtDP
>> exercise 26.3.6 --
>> (define test-case (create-tests 10000))
>> (collect-garbage)
>> (time (sort test-case))
>> (collect-garbage)
>> (time (quick-sort test-case))
>> -- which returned this:
>> collect-garbage: name is not defined, not a parameter, and not a
>> primitive name
>> I tried changing the teaching language to Advanced Student and still
>> received the same error message. Is there something I need to do to
>> enable the collect-garbage function? Also, what does collect-garbage
>> do?
>> Thanks!
>> Dave Yrueta
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