template for output <-> inversion problem (was: Re: [plt-scheme] HtDP: Question on 10.1.9)
On Sep 19, 2008, at 7:08 AM, Matthias Felleisen wrote:
> Here I am responding to myself -)
> This problem is a bit of a "look ahead" or "cheat" given to where I
> am posing it.
> Why? In general, it's a "parsing" problem and as such deserves a
> "structural output" recipe. PLAI is the correct place to look for
> this. For "freshmen" it's too challenging.
> ** The structure of the INPUT does not help you at all when you
> solve this problem.
> ** The structure of the OUTPUT though suggests an organization and
> arithmetic operations that help.
More generally; it would appear to me that this inversion
(structuring the program around the output rather than the input)
occurs whenever the program you're defining is the inverse of a nice
simple structural recursion. In the case of parsing, it's the
inverse of a simple flattening operation.
This also provides another way to look at a function that consumes a
number and produces a list of the given length (containing arbitrary
data); it's just the inverse of length.
Of course, most of the HtDP functions are not 1-to-1, hence not
invertible, so this is pretty rarely useful.
This is all fairly obvious, I suppose, but I've never heard parsing
described as the inversion of a flattening function, or the
difficulty of parsing described as being a consequence of the
difficulty (or impossibility) of inverting a simple structurally
recursive flatten operation.
I suppose in a logic language you could just define the flatten
function and run it backwards.
John Clements
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