[plt-scheme] Re: Combining two definition into one only

From: SamuelXiao (foolsmart2005 at gmail.com)
Date: Fri Oct 10 01:26:38 EDT 2008

Excuse, I want to ask one more question, actually, for the let

(let helper ((unsorted numbers) ; The remaining unsorted values
(sorted '())) ; The sorted values
(if (null? unsorted)
(helper (cdr unsorted) (insert-number (car unsorted) sorted)))))

(let helper (( )())) ----> what does this means?
because in my notes and even the online materials:
  ( let ( {[ ‹id› ‹expr› ]}* ) ‹expr›+ )
the let statement should be sth like the above one.
what is the helper standing for?

On Oct 7, 12:53 am, SamuelXiao <foolsmart2... at gmail.com> wrote:
> Yes, you are right, actually, i am studying the scheme by taking his
> notes because in my school, the teacher's example is a bit simple.
> On Oct 6, 10:06 am, "Matt Jadud" <jad... at gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Sun, Oct 5, 2008 at 10:56 AM, SamuelXiao <foolsmart2... at gmail.com> wrote:
> > > I am a scheme newbie, could anyone tell me how can i combine this
> > > following 2 definition into one?
> > This question[1] looks like it might be related to a set of problems
> > issued at Grinnell in the Spring of 2007[2].
> > I've CC:'d Samuel Rebelsky at Grinnell, as a lab of his was the only
> > page Google could find with the words "insert-number" and
> > "insertion-sort-numbers" that wasn't the Google Groups version of the
> > original posting.
> > And, if I've completely missed the mark, "oops."
> > Cheers,
> > Matt
> > [1]http://groups.google.com/group/plt-scheme/browse_thread/thread/ff785c...
> > [2]http://www.cs.grinnell.edu/~rebelsky/Courses/CS151/2007S/Labs/inserti...
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