[plt-scheme] Lost my command-I in OSX 10.5 Leopard

From: Phil Rand (philrand at gmail.com)
Date: Sun May 25 11:08:09 EDT 2008

Thanks Geoff,

I've been through my system preferences keyboard shortcuts, and didn't
see any for command-i.

On Sun, May 25, 2008 at 5:05 AM, Geoffrey S. Knauth <geoff at knauth.org> wrote:
> Phil:  I'm running Mac OS X 10.5.2.  I just cranked up v372, opened a file,
> messed up the indentation, pressed Cmd-i (together), and the file reindented
> itself correctly.  I wonder if you have another mapping for Cmd-i in your
> Keyboard & Mouse System Preferences.
> I'm sure I've installed v372 since upgrading to Leopard, since I upgraded to
> Leopard in early summer 2007 and then to v372 in late summer.  Maybe the
> Leopard upgrade itself does something funny.
> --Geoff
> On May 25, 2008, at 01:55, Phil Rand wrote:
>> I'm using PLT Scheme 372, and upgraded my Mac OSX to 10.5 Leopard a
>> few days ago.
>> I've just noticed the command-i key now just inserts an "i" character,
>> where I was expecting reindent-all.
>> Menu item Scheme -> Reindent All still works, and is marked with the
>> hot-key command-I as always.
>> What am I missing?
>> --
>> Phil Rand
>> philrand at pobox.com

Phil Rand
philrand at pobox.com

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