[plt-scheme] PLT-Scheme 402 extension

From: Ivanyi Peter (pivanyi at freemail.hu)
Date: Mon Jul 14 17:53:06 EDT 2008

Chongkai Zhu <czhu at cs.utah.edu> írta:

> > My question is: how can I do it in PLT-Scheme 402?
> The same way.
> > Has something changed in this regard?
> No.

Hmmm. Ok.
I start-up DrScheme.
Language is set to either Pretty big or Module.
When I RUN the program DrScheme reports that 

open-input-file: cannot open input file:
(The system cannot find the file specified.; errno=2)

But if I type into the interactive window:

(require "e2curve")

that works. How is it possible?


Best regards,

Peter Ivanyi

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