Problem with recursion? (was [plt-scheme] Re: Novice needs help writing function )
On Jan 4, 2008, at 12:52 PM, Todd O'Bryan wrote:
> I think the key is to teach structural recursion before generative
> recursion, as HtDP does.
Thanks for the message.
> Interestingly, Bruce, Danyluk, and Murtagh
> (2005) [1] make the point that teaching structural recursion before
> arrays is helpful in an objects-early approach and cite HtDP. Other
> papers [2] cite Bruce, but don't mention HtDP, when I think it's clear
> that the PLT group can easily lay claim to being in the forefront of
> this pedagogical insight.
That's not surprising. The CS education community has proven less
research-oriented and less scholarly than the already no so great CS
community. (And no, I am not asking for perfection, just academic
credit, which is what academics live from.)
-- Matthias
> Todd
> [1]:
> bruce.pdf&ei=LHB-
> R__iA6KShALtpLw1&usg=AFQjCNE6z4oJu6aW2zTTICjWetE1Y0jaDw&sig2=qKl8qsKqK
> vtLKNNp1Ze9fg
> [2]:
> research/papers/recursion.pdf+Kim+Bruce+structural
> +recursion&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=7&gl=us&client=firefox-a
> (this paper is only available in a cached version, but appears to have
> been published in OOPSLA 2007)
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