[plt-scheme] Is there a MacOS 10.5 (Leopard) version of DrScheme?

From: John Clements (clements at brinckerhoff.org)
Date: Mon Feb 25 01:33:05 EST 2008

On Feb 23, 2008, at 10:52 PM, alex mitchell wrote:

> Hi Matthew,
> Thanks for the info. I'm running v371, and the stand-alone  
> executable which
> I generated on 10.4 didn't run on 10.5. I haven't seen the error  
> myself, as
> my students reported it, but they said that the error was "You  
> can't open
> the application because it is not supported on this architecture."

To the best of my knowledge (someone correct me if I'm wrong), the  
DrScheme distributions are processor-specific.  If this is true, then  
it suggests that the problem here is that your stand-alone executable  
contains PPC code where the students require Intel, or vice versa.

Just a guess,

John Clements

> If the MacOS binary distribution works fine on 10.5, I'll just try  
> to find a
> Leopard machine, and build a Leopard version for my students.
> Thanks for your help.
> Alex
> On 2/22/08 11:33 PM, "Matthew Flatt" <mflatt at cs.utah.edu> wrote:
>> At Fri, 22 Feb 2008 16:22:35 +0800, alex mitchell wrote:
>>> I'm creating some software for my students, which I'd like to  
>>> distribute as
>>> stand-alone executables. Unfortunately, the version I built on  
>>> MacOS 10.4
>>> (Tiger) won't run on MacOS 10.5 (Leopard).
>>> So, what I'd like to know is whether there's a version of  
>>> DrScheme for
>>> Leopard, or if I can just run the MacOS X version on the download  
>>> page under
>>> Leopard and build a stand-alone executable with it which will run  
>>> on a
>>> Leopard machine?
>> Our Mac OS X distributions run on both 10.4 and 10.5. (I use 10.5.)
>> However, as of v372, there was a bug in the way that DrScheme  
>> generates
>> stand-alone executables for Mac OS X. I know that it broke the other
>> direction (running 10.5-built things on 10.4), but it's possible that
>> it also sometimes breaks in the direction that you're seeing.
>> You could try dropping
>>   http://svn.plt-scheme.org/plt/trunk/collects/compiler/private/ 
>> mach-o.ss
>> in place of "collects/compiler/private/mach-o.ss" in your  
>> installation
>> to see if it fixes the problem.
>> Matthew
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