[plt-scheme] Incorporation of cookies into x-expression

From: Justin Paston-Cooper (paston.cooper at gmail.com)
Date: Fri Feb 22 07:41:53 EST 2008

(module tester

  (require (lib "servlet.ss" "web-server")
           (lib "xml.ss" "xml"))
  (provide start interface-version timeout)

  (define overall '())
  (define timeout +inf.0)
  (define interface-version 'v1)

  (define (start initial-request)
    (let ((req (extract-binding/single 'req
                                       (request-bindings initial-request))))
      (if (string=? req "yes")
          (let ((cookie
                 (extract-bindings 'cookie
                                   (request-headers initial-request))))
            (send/finish `(p ,(format "~a" cookie))))
           (make-response/full 200 "None" (current-seconds) "text/html;
                               '((cookie . '("Set-Cookie: NAME=hello;")))
                               (xexpr->string `(p "hello, sent"))))))))

When I try to go to this page, I get the following error:

Servlet didn't load. /home/justin/plw/./servlets/tester.ss:27:24: compile:
unbound variable in module in: make-response/full === context ===
load-servlet/path /usr/lib/plt/collects/web-server/dispatchers/dispatch-
servlets.ss:264:4: reload-servlet-script ...ivate/cache-table.ss:38:46
cache-table-lookup! select-handler/no-breaks select-handler/no-breaks
select-handler/no-breaks dispatcher? dispatcher?

Why should make-response/full not be bound?
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