[plt-scheme] Multi-column list box control?
On 26-Aug-08, at 1:18 PM, Woodhouse Gregory wrote:
> On Aug 26, 2008, at 5:50 AM, Michael Forster wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Back in 2003, Rian Douglas asked whether any work had been done
>> on a multi-column list box for the GUI library:
>> http://www.cs.brown.edu/pipermail/plt-scheme/2003-July/003251.html
>> I'm in need of one for a database application, and, no, arranging
>> multiple
>> list boxes side-by-side won't suffice.
>> Of course, I'm quite willing to hack one myself. However, being a
>> hack for
>> myself, it likely wouldn't be fit for public consumption, and I
>> wouldn't want to
>> have to maintain it under the mred collection directory in the face
>> of PLT
>> updates on my various computers. Given that, has anyone any advice
>> on
>> how to pull the various private mred bits (kernel.ss, etc.) into a
>> separate
>> library directory structure. Or, would this be as much trouble
>> maintenance-
>> wise?
>> Thanks,
>> Mike
> We ran into something like this. Some developers wrote their own
> multi-column list box (in Delphi, not Scheme). It turned out to
> cause all kind of problems with screen readers and so had to be
> replaced. But my point is simply that there is demand for such a
> thing, particularly in data intensive applications.
Yeah, LispWorks had a nice one. Hmmm... continuations, multi-column
list panel, continuations, multi...
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