[plt-scheme] Re: answers from htdp

From: Glauber Alex Dias Prado (smade4 at gmail.com)
Date: Mon Aug 18 08:04:04 EDT 2008

Just a complaint here, one of the best books I've came across to learn
programming is A Gentle Introduction to Symbolic Computation, very good
book and it has the answers on the end of the book, and i found it great
to *really* practice the exercises, which in my opinion are a invaluable
tool for learning anything and not having the answers, specially for
those who work alone is a bad thing, no pun intended im sure you have
your reason to not free it, the first i come across is bad students
perhaps ?

"Shriram Krishnamurthi" <sk-9N4TdPD67tT2fBVCVOL8/A at public.gmane.org>

> Sorry, no, the passwords are for professors only.
> But you can get lots of help on forums like this or
> the comp.lang.scheme newsgroup if you demonstrate
> that you really are working through the material
> yourself, not just asking people to provide you with
> answers.
> Our newer material, here --
>   http://world.cs.brown.edu/
> -- comes with public solutions to some of the materials
> to help self-learners like you.
> Shriram
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